Sunday, September 12, 2004

Notes on Primary

Did I mention I am President of our Primary here. This is my 4th week at it and it feels good. I have been getting to know the kids and treading carefully on the past President's ground. I think it is a tricky thing when presidencies change. I noticed things I wanted to change, but I didn't want the past group to feel like they weren't doing a good job. I have praised their work and their program to anyone I talk to about Primary. And they really have done an excellent job.

Coming up soon is the Primary Sacrament Presentation, where the children sing the songs they have been learning in Primary and each kid has a chance to yell, I mean speak, into the microphone. I remember being in these as a child and they don't particularly stand out as special or big days, but planning one of these things is a big job! The program was scheduled for Halloween, but I decided it would be too scary, so we will take over the chapel on November 14th, instead. We have had a substitute chorister since early summer - that is interesting because the music is such a big part of primary, and when you are just filling in, then it isn't so important to you. Our chorister was called today - she is a cute young mom,(also a hair dresser, she gave Hannah and Sydney really cute haircuts). We need her help. We plan to get together tomorrow and go over her new calling, and really start planning the program.

I think our nursery is our biggest challenge. We have 36 active nursery age children, divided into 3 classes. We only have toys in one room of the church, so we have to carry totes of toys around the building. It seems that the previous president has had numerous run ins with the building people about the toy buckets, so right now they are being stowed in the Bishops's office. I feel a little bad about that because he should have a nice tidy office, not a leaning tower of toy totes. Can you imagine getting whomped on the head by a sit-n-spin while visiting with the bishop? I don't think there is really anything I can do about it, though. I think there must be a way for the church to purchase another offical nursery storage cupboard, but I think if I want the building to help me, then I need to be kind and not pushy (yet).

Okay, so back to the nursery, of the 36 kids who come, 9 have just turned 18 months old. If you have any experience in the nursery you will remember that the 18 month olds are the most tricky. Just when you feel like you class is finally listening and participating during the lesson, that's when a new 18 month old comes in and causes widespread turmoil and strife. One 18 month old is a challenge, 9 is crazy. With the new ones coming in we have had to shift around a couple of kids. So far so good. I know it will be a transition, and I know some of the parents are not so happy, but hopefully they will give it a couple of weeks. Aaach. By the way, there are 15 kids in our YM/YW combined. Just hoping that the bishopric will remember to give our nursery as much support and as steady leadership as the youth.

Primary is Fun, Primary is Fun, Primary is Fun...

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