Sunday, March 16, 2008

Sunday Night

I'm sitting in the dark at the computer. And my face feels like it's coated in cement. I feel the worst breakout of my life coming on, and I'm trying to stop it by using a scary blemish reducer face mask. I look scary and I feel like something out of the Black Lagoon.

But the kids are in bed. So all is well!

I'm trying something new this Spring Break. Putting the kids to bed at bedtime. Sounds like a good idea, right? I think so too. But for some reason I usually get extremely lazy during vacation and kind of forget about bedtime. They still put on their jammies. They still brush their teeth, but I let them pull out blankets and pillows and we all lay down in front of the TV for a bedtime movie. They eventually fall asleep and I fall asleep and we wake up to a mess of blankets and pillows and crinked necks.

I'm a little embarrassed to even admit that. Mom of the year award... and all that.

This vacation is going to be different. No late night family movie marathons (except for Friday Night. If I get rid of that I'll have mutiny on my hands.) Nope. Bedtime is still on. This is day #1. I'll let you know how it goes....


nikko said...

I'm going to try to enforce bedtime this week, too. It should be relatively easy seeing as how DH still is getting up at 5:30!

Tori :) said...

I've already messed up the bedtime... :(

Deanne said...

I stick with bedtimes. Mostly out of necessity, for my sanity and peace. I may be lenient but just a tad. Mama needs her evening down time, ya know?! :)

tootie said...

Best of luck! Enjoy Spring Break!

The Mrs. said...

Oh bedtime is king in our house, but thats strictly for my sanity. I love my boys but I love them more after they are in bed!

Enjoy your vacation!