Sunday, April 03, 2005

Spring Soccer

Woo Hoo, Sydney!

Go Hannah!

The first Saturday of soccer took us all over town. Sydney practices at the field right by our house, but her games are about 5 miles away. Hannah practices at a field about 2 miles away, but her games are right by our house. It will be great to just let Hannah walk on over to the park when they both play at the same time. It is a good thing we can walk, because soccer mom's are crazy drivers - we already saw one accident out there.

I seem to have inherited the yelling gene. I find myself yelling things like "Let's go sports fans" and "Sacrifice your body for the ball." Just kidding, Dad. I don't actually yell your famous sloguns, I have a few of my own - "Get the ball" "Help her out" "WOOHOO." It's a good thing Nathan is a yeller, too. He's too busy to notice me making a fool of myself. So far the kids are still willing to sit near us at games, but it won't be long 'til Hannah starts to cringe when I pull out the blow-horn.


Anonymous said...

How fun, wish I was there to do the wave with you!

Batya said...

The best exercise is in the water, even just walking in the pool, lake or ocean.

Anonymous said...

What pros! Do you remember the cheer that went, "Hannah is cool, she's not a fool!" The girls look so cute and their uniforms are way cooler than our dorky softball ones, maybe we did the wrong sport? haha