Today is my day to do all those things I have been putting off. All those things I have thought about doing, but just haven't done. One of the ladies that I had over for Easter dinner recommended this - she sets aside one day a week to do those things that just get forgotten. So I made a list and I am getting it done!
So far I have:
Put Frontline on Sam
Given Harley and Sam Heartguard
Called the Housing Office with a list of repairs
Bought dog food (and put it right in the container)
Returned books to the library
Made an appointment to get the oil changed
RSVP'd about a party next weekend
Picked up rocks at the Housing office
Bought contacts and ordered glasses
Made a hair appointment
Washed Emily's car seat
Put the registration stickers on the truck
Filled up the car with gas (wow - that was expensive!)
I still need to:
Take a quick nap
Make an appointment to get my teeth cleaned
Call a couple Primary Teachers
Spackle around the stairs
Clean the basement
Take a load to Goodwill